Amnesty International condemned the punishment as "cruel, degrading and inhumane"

05.03.2013 11:08

"A 15-year-old rape victim has been sentenced to 100 lashes for engaging in premarital sex, court officials said.

The charges against the girl were brought against her last year after police investigated accusations that her stepfather had raped her and killed their baby. He is still to face trial".

 You almost cry when you do read about this and similar like this happening, don´t you. How do the men feel doing like this.
A man is suposed to take care of women with love and respect.
Do they feel as a great man and a strong man when doing and beahaving like this? Perhaps they do?
But what do the people of the world think and believe about theese men?
May there be peace, love, compassion and understanding.

"Whether one believes in a religion or not, and whether one believes in rebirth or not, there isn't anyone who doesn't appreciate kindness and compassion."
~ Dalai Lama ~

 Ja vad ska vi tycka om detta då?
Det som sker i världen kommer att uppmärksammas mer och mer för fler och fler människro har börjat tröttna på dessa händelser. Fler och fler kvinnor världen över börjar protestera mer och mer.
NU har kvinnor fått nog, nu räcker det tycker många kvinnor men givetvis anser även många män att detta är fel.
Här kan ni läsa en artikel skrivet av en man: